
St. Matthew Catholic School Parent Boards

Parent Advisory BoardThe Consultative Board is comprised of appointed school parents, who come together to support and advise the Principal and Pastor in matters relating to the operation of the school. The Board is consultative in nature, and its members strive to create understanding and support of Catholic education within the school and parish community. Its primary means of effecting its purpose is advising the Principal and Pastor in the implementation of the goals of the school’s strategic plan. The Board holds monthly meetings, typically on the first Wednesday of each month. The board is not involved in human resource matters, the day-to-day operation of the school, or curriculum development.

Monsignor Talesfore, Pastor

Beckie Caldwell
Leadership Team Liasion

Christiana Cassio

Board Members: 
Nicole Arguello-Yee
Michael Bonomo
Marie Lugtu
Justin McGovern
Kevin Osborne
Jessica Pulido
Griselda Renteria
Jeff Smith

Parent Association BoardThe primary function of the Parent Association Board is to raise funds to assist in the cost of funding various needs throughout the school. The Board coordinates our community events and fundraising events. Members of the Board bring their variety of talents to create events that are fun for our children, our parents, and our community. The board holds monthly meetings, typically on the third Wednesday of each month. The members of this board are all parent volunteers. The board is not involved in human resource matters, the day-to-day operation of the school, or curriculum development.

Assal Tiruchelvam

Board Members: 
Lisa Cohen
Maria Gullo
Laura Kirby
Christina Millman
Karina Partin
Karla Purganan

Sara Vierra
Joanne Zucca

Athletic BoardThe St. Matthew Athletic Board works to promote, organize, and lead all of the Athletic programs at St. Matthew. This board's primary focus is to organize and lead our parent volunteer coaches and students for Baseball, Volleyball, Basketball, and Track. Our Athletic program operates under the Peninsula Parishes/Schools League (PPSL) whose main purpose is to foster a spirit of cooperation among the Catholic parishes/schools of San Mateo County. This board works to enrich our students physically and socially by developing practices of good sportsmanship, encouraging participation, and building self-esteem in all participants. The board holds monthly meetings, typically on the second Wednesday of each month. The members of this board are all parent volunteers.

Athletic Directors:
Jim DeMartini 
Jen O'Connell

Board Members:
Robyn Kamisher Gordon 

Jason Gordon
Adam Moyer
Jenn Panos
Sara Workman
Gino Zucca